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Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Just'a Bloggin' 110908

It's been a crazy week. I'm glad the election is over although I still don't see how people are so blind. Oh well. It is what it is, so I'll accept the "change" and respect our new leader. I may not like it, but I don't want to be one of those people who bash the president any chance they get. It's not my style. I'll just continue with my own values and beliefs as I have been for years. It's all I know to do. I know some of you are really excited about "the change" that is coming. I'm glad you are happy. I have been thinking....a lot of people got what they wanted, but are they going to like what they actually get. I hope he does well. I hope he does improve our country. But he has some convincing to do in order to persuade me otherwise. It's my blog, so I can write what I want. Again, if I offend anyone, you are welcome not to read it. I'm just venting - it's one way I deal with things.

Darrell and I are at Chip and Brandy's with Kaitlyn and Laken. Little Laken has been asleep - even before we got here and Kaitlyn in enthralled with iCarly and Hannah Montana. She is entertained. Darrell is asleep on the couch with the Toncray's little dog, Bowie, curled up at his feet. It's a sight. At least he's getting some rest. He hasn't gotten much since he got in this morning. I took a nap earlier today, but am looking forward to going to bed in a couple of hours. I still hurt. I'm tired of hurting all of the time. You'd think that I'd be used to it. Oh well - such is life.

Katie, Missy and I went to town last night. Kohl's had a good sale. Too bad I couldn't have bought more Christmas gifts. I did get two however. At least I started. I can't believe that the stores are blaring Christmas songs already!!! We just finished Halloween, I mean really! Seems like they rush it more and more every year. People forget what it's really about. That is sad.Well, I'm going to finish watching this show with Kaitlyn and rest. Got a lot on my mind tonight for some reason. It's all good though - just thinking about some stuff. Have a great weekend.
Fibro-girl OUT!

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