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Tuesday, January 6, 2009

What a Week! 092008

It's been a while since I've written so I thought I'd sit down while the house is quiet and I have a few minutes to myself. There's been a lot going on the last few weeks…ups and downs. But all in all, I think God has given me plenty of blessings to outweigh the down times so that's mainly what I'm going to focus on here, all that God has blessed me with.

Darrell got home "early" this week…he was home by midnight which was an unexpected blessing. He's worn out, still sleeping, but he's home and that means the world to me. He doesn't realize just how much I love him….there's no way he could understand. (Well, I'm probably exaggerating there, but still, he's got my whole heart and I'm so happy to be his wife). I miss him when he's away. Half of me is gone when he is, but he's working for us. Going through a lot of hard work, long hours and a lot of junk just to provide the things we need (and extras) for our family. I'm so blessed to have such a wonderful man in my life and in a few days, we'll celebrate our first year of marriage. J I'm really excited about that one year mark. Seems like we've always been together and I couldn't imagine my life without him in it. Who would have thought that when I first met this boy with the long "perm" (sorry dear) back in the 6th grade….one so full of mischief (among other things…haha) would end up married to "Mary Poppins" - band girl…shy, studious, sheltered? Oh my - God does throw us some curves from time-to-time, but with Darrell and I, He hit the ball out of the park. We each had to go through a lot of things (most of them not very good) to get here, but I'm glad we are at the place in our life now that we are. We were meant to be together and I'm honored to have the chance to grow old with this man that I love more everyday.

What else is new? Well, it was hard going back to work after the surgery and pneumonia, but I had missed it much more than I realized. The only thing I don't like about it is that I can't take a nap or rest when I really need to. But…that's life. (I do miss those naps though… aaaah…refreshing, they were). Lol My job really is probably one of the best ones to have anywhere on campus! I work for the state, so the pay isn't what I wish it was, but sometimes you have to look at what makes you happy other than how much money is in your pocket. God provides what we need and that's what is important.

My job is FUN… not a lot of people can say that. I get to work with some great people that take a lot of practical jokes, some sarcastic wit and silly stories from me. But I know that they really like it. LOL I also get to meet a lot of wonderful people along the way. Just this week I met a young man and his father, a minister, that were very grateful for the information I gave them. I met a kid visiting from Hawaii that is actually considering coming to our campus next year. His mother told me some interesting things I didn't know about the island so I learned a lot as well. I met a gentleman that had lived in Los Angeles for 20+ years working as 'extras' in movies and shows. He was an interesting man and had led an interesting life. He'd played several parts on Seinfeld, The Ellen Show (her sitcom)…played an FBI agent in the movie, Mars Attack, among a few other films. He is at our school to get started in Broadcasting and is already doing a great job from what I hear. Then I met a new friend, Travis, that has done a lot of interesting things and knows some pretty cool people. He's a great person and seems like he would do anything to help a friend. So, see…I have one of the best jobs in the world! Not only do I get to help people, hang out with some great co-workers, but I get to meet some new friends with interesting stories along the way. Sometimes, I even get emails and cards from people that I've "helped." Funny thing is, I was only doing my job and being myself. What more can one ask for at work?I'll write again soon and talk about the kids…they are growing up so fast!!! I'll have a whole blog just on them!

Thanks for reading, but I'd better go. My sweetheart is up now and I think he's wanting to check the news as well as his email. Take care!!!
Fibro-girl OUT!

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